V7-WFB424 Sprecher + Schuh Terminal Blocks

Manufacturer:Sprecher + Schuh
Category:Terminal Blocks
Product Lifecycle:Active
Product description
Fuse Terminals, 5 x 20 mm
Product condition
New Factory Sealed
New Factory Sealed - New condition, never used, original OEM part with original packaging and factory seal.
The price of V7-WFB424 on MQ Automation is $16.48. Order now.
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V7-WFB424 Sprecher + Schuh
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$16.48 each
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About the manufacturer

Sprecher + Schuh, established in Aarau, Switzerland in 1903 by two forward-thinking engineers, Carl Sprecher and Heinrich Schuh, has been providing reliable control and protection solutions to its clients for more than a hundred years.
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What is the price of V7-WFB424?
The price of V7-WFB424 on MQ Automation is $16.48. Order now.
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Fuse Terminals, 5 x 20 mm
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